lamp part 1
LAMP usually stands for:
- Linux
- Apache
- Mysql
Different possiblities:
- Linux -> FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows
- Apache -> lighthttpd, dhttpd, roxen, dhttpd, khttpd
- MySQL -> PostgreSQL, Sybase, Oracle, DB2, SqLite
- PHP -> Perl, Python, Ruby, C#, Bash...
Today's steps:
1) setup of all packages
2) create a static page
3) create a SSI page
4) run a CGI-script
5) run a PHP-script
6) try to protect a directory with .htaccess
* retrieve and install the basic LAMP packages:
First: save a list of the current installed packages:
dpkg -l > dpgk_yyyymmdd_1
Install the packages: (after a "apt-get update" as usual)
apt-get install apache2 apache2-utils # webserver
apt-get install php5 # php language interpreter
apt-get install mysql-server-5.0 # mysql database server
apt-get install phpmyadmin # phpmyadmin software
apt-get install lynx links # 2 text-based webclients
Save another list of the packages, and compare:
dpkg -l > dpgk_yyyymmdd_2
diff dpkg_yyyymmdd_1 dpgk_yyymmdd_2
-> you not only have apache, php and mysql, but also some libraries,
and tools which are required by these programs (dependencies:
mueller:~# apt-cache show php5|grep Depends )
* save your configuration just in case:
cd /etc
cp -Rp apache2 apache2_backup_yyyymmdd
* as usual under debian, a basic setup is ready just after
installation, and the webserver is already running, listening
on port 80
-> find the new processes visible with "ps fawux"
-> try to access your page : http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/
(from your notebook, or on the console, with links or lynx:
check the man pages for more information)
-> have a look at the logs while you browse: opening a new window
or virtual screen and launching something like :
tail -f /var/log/apache2/*log
during the session may be a good idea.
* first webpage: a simple static html page.
By default, the "Document Root" of your webserver ( = what will
be displayed if you access http://IP/ ) is "/var/www/".
To setup a new page: create a new file "index.html" under
"/var/www/test", with this content:
First page
Hello World :-)
And load it in your browser under http://IP/test/
You will probably notice some errors in the error.log: most
of the browsers now tries to load a "favicon.ico" file once
every session (to illustrate the tabs and bookmarks).
To add a "Favicon" to the page, you can download
"" (or from anywhere else) with wget and
save the file in the "/var/www/" directory. You may need to restart
your browser to make it reload the icon.
Dynamic Contents
The first kind of "dynamic" pages are the SSI: Server Side Includes.
* Server Side Includes:
Create a new page under "/var/www/test/test.shtml" with:
Test SSI
Date GMT:
Last Modified:
Document URI:
Document Name:
Query String:
Then load the page: http://IP/test/test.shtml
Something buggy? We need to activate these SSI before!
In /etc/apache2/sites-available/default, replace
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +Includes
AllowOverride None
And install the "include" module:
mueller:~# a2enmod include
Test if the setup is correct, and restart apache:
mueller:~# apache2ctl configtest
Syntax OK
mueller:~# apache2ctl restart
Another test in browser should now display something new:
And try with a query string:
-> We can now add some dynamic information to the page, but
it's very "low level". You can see some more variables under
Next step: the CGI script.
The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard protocol for
interfacing external application software with an information
server, commonly a web server.
CGI defines defines how information about the server and the
request is passed to the command in the form of arguments and
environment variables, and how the command can pass back extra
information about the output (such as the type) in the form of
* CGI Script (Perl)
Create the "testscript.cgi" file under "/usr/lib/cgi-bin":
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Today: " . `/bin/date` . "\n";
my $var_name;
foreach $var_name ( sort keys %ENV ) {
print "$var_name";
print $ENV{$var_name};
print "\n";
print "Form Contents:\n";
# parse form contents
my $method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
# The following is a basic if else structure to use the appropriate
# processing for grabbing the form data
if ($method eq "GET") {
$rawdata = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
} else {
# if not "GET" then it will default "POST"
read(STDIN, $rawdata, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
# Splits the data pairs into sections
my @value_pairs = split (/&/,$rawdata);
my %formdata = ();
# Cycles through each pair to grab the values of the fields
foreach $pair (@value_pairs) {
($field, $value) = split (/=/,$pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex ($1))/eg;
$formdata{$field} = $value;
# store the field data in the results hash
# cycle through the results and print each field/value
foreach $field (sort keys(%formdata)) {
print "Field $field has value $formdata{$field}\n";
print "\n\n";
And try to run the script from your browser:
Same thing with a query string:
If may not work at the first time: check the apache error.log
for more information. If there is a syntax error, you can
try to run the script on the console with:
mueller:~# perl /usr/lib/cgi-bin/testscript.cgi
and check the syntax with:
mueller:~# perl -c /usr/lib/cgi-bin/testscript.cgi
/usr/lib/cgi-bin/testscript.cgi syntax OK
To test our new CGI-script, we create a simple HTML form:
* Formular Test: (save as /var/www/test/form.html)
Test... http://IP/test/form.html
Then replace method="GET" by method="POST" and look at the
differences in the URL and the access.log.
* PHP Script Testen
Save this contents as "/var/www/test/test.php":
PHP Test
echo(date("d-m-Y H:i:s") . "");
echo($_SERVER["REMOTE_HOST"] . " " .
Try to access the page: it should again display dynamic contents,
which changes on each reload.
before the "" and reload: this will display all the
runtime variables from php and a list of installed modules:
very useful when you have to install complex php-software
requiring specific modules.
Last "do-it-yourself" part:
Please create a page "index.html" under "/var/www/protected/", and
protect the access of this page with a login/password query (like
for ) by using an ".htaccess" file.
Username = admin
Passwort = abbts888
Keywords: HTTP Authentication, .htaccess, man htpasswd
Note: you will need to replace "AllowOverride None" for /var/www/ by
"AllowOverride AuthConfig" in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
otherwise the webserver will just ignore any .htpasswd file
you create.
Good luck!